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Obálka knihy Queer Encounters with Communist Power

Queer Encounters with Communist Power

Věra Sokolová

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Vydavatel: Karolinum
Vydáno: 2022
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 242

How did the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia approach non-heterosexuality? How did young girls and boys come to realize their queer desires and identities within a state known for repressing individuality? What did they do with that self-awareness—and later on, as adults, what strategies did they employ in their everyday dealings with a state that defined homosexuality as a medical diagnosis? Queer Encounters with Communist Power answers these questions as it interweaves groundbreaking queer oral history with meticulous archival research into the discourses on homosexuality and transsexuality in Czechoslovakia from 1948 to 1989.


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