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Obálka knihy Anne of Avonlea

Anne of Avonlea

L.M. Montgomery

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2024
Série: Anne of Green Gables díl 2
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 276

Venture back to the enchanted world of Avonlea in this exciting second instalment of the much-loved \\'Anne of Green Gables\\' series, which inspired Netflix\\'s hit show \\'Anne with an E\\'.

Our fiery-haired heroine, Anne, steps into her new life at sixteen as a schoolteacher. Will she navigate the tumultuous seas of classroom antics and come out unscathed? And why is the handsome Gilbert Blythe behaving so strangely?

This touching narrative explores the intricate dance between growing pains and blossoming love. Perfect for those who cherish Enid Blyton\\'s tales.

Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942), renowned for the globally loved \\'Anne of Green Gables\\' series, transformed her lonely childhood and vibrant imagination into over twenty novels and countless short stories, poems, and essays.


Série Anne of Green Gables

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