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Obálka knihy Branded Forever 1: Cross Your Heart

Branded Forever 1: Cross Your Heart

Kim Jackson

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2024
Série: Branded Forever díl 1
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 209

Ignite your passion with Branded Forever - a heartwarming and steamy new romance series!

When Klara steps into a fire station, it\\'s not the flames that set her heart racing, but Rune – a smouldering firefighter with a searing gaze. Their chemistry is explosive, but can they navigate through past relationships and responsibilities to keep the flame alive? And does love truly conquer all?

Kim Jackson is an author of primarily erotica, romance, and adult fantasy. She\\'s the author behind several romance series.


Série Branded Forever

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