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Pozadí stránky
Obálka knihy La mutilada

La mutilada

Tennessee Willams

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Vydavatel: Quadrom
Vydáno: 2024
Jazyk: španělský
Počet stran: 25

Obra de teatro en un acto de famoso dramaturgo estadounidense\r\n\r\nThe Mutilated was written in 1966, and debuted as part of a double-bill of one-act plays written by Williams titled Slapstick Tragedy (the other one-act was The Gnädiges Fräulein.) Slapstick Tragedy premiered on Broadway at the Longacre Theatre on February 22, 1966. For acting in the two halves of Slapstick Tragedy, Zoe Caldwell won the first of her four Tony Awards.


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