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Obálka knihy Mysterious Maya

Mysterious Maya

Dorte Roholte

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2024
Série: Mysterious Mynthe
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 160

Strange things are happening!

The night before Maya's 13th birthday, she's swept up in a dream so real, it knocks her socks off - especially when it actually happens! As if juggling friends, secret crushes and homework wasn't enough of a roller coaster ride...

Now Maya needs to untangle the mystery of her brand-new superpowers. Can she figure out the hows and whys before time runs out?

Discovering unusual abilities and navigating extraordinary circumstances, this is ideal for fans of ´Percy Jackson and the Olympians´ on Disney+.

Dorte Roholte (b. 1958) has written a large number of books for children and young people as well as for adults. She made her debut in 1991 with the collection of short stories ´New surroundings´ and has since published numerous books in various genres.


Série Mysterious Mynthe

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