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Obálka knihy Cold Blood 2 - The Mad Professor

Cold Blood 2 - The Mad Professor

Jørn Jensen

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2024
Série: Cold Blood díl 2
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 71

Do you have nerves of steel? Then ready yourself for the second spine-tingling instalment in the Cold Blood series!

Plagued by relentless stomach pains, Tobias must go to the hospital to have a few blood samples taken. There, amidst sterile hallways and hushed whispers, he stumbles upon a chilling secret - patients are mysteriously dying, and the cause is far from natural... Can Tobias unveil the hospital's dark mystery before it's too late?

The Cold Blood series is filled with thrilling adventures and spine-chilling stories. Keeping the reader on the edge of their seat, it is perfect for fans of the Goosebumps series or Scooby Doo.

'Cold Blood' is a series of children's horror books with suspense and gore for experienced readers from 10 years and up. The main characters of the books, Tobias and Simone, have a number of hair-raising adventures.

Former teacher turned prolific author, Jørn Jensen (1946-), spotted a gap in reading materials for new young readers. Inspired to fill this void, he wrote hundreds of engaging children's books, with a strong focus on mystery and horror, nurturing a love of reading in the young and the young at heart.


Série Cold Blood

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