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Obálka knihy The River's Daughter

The River's Daughter

Elisabeth Hammer

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2023
Série: Whispers from the River díl 1
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 150

Some secrets are worth keeping. Others are meant to be unleashed.

Found adrift along the river as a mere babe, her origins shrouded in mystery, Rakel Ovreid is taken in by a loving couple.

Now a beautiful and fearless young woman, Rakel sets out to find her friend Jenny, who has disappeared leading her to cross paths with the imposing new sheriff, Ask Bergan.

As events unfold, Rakel discovers that Bergan holds secrets about her past, leaving her with burning questions - and a growing sense of danger...

Packed with love, intrigue, and mystical powers, this beloved Nordic saga is ideal for fans of Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" and Lucinda Riley.

Whispers from the River

Rakel Ovreid, a foundling raised by loving farmers, unravels her mysterious origins, navigating love, politics, and fate in the captivating "Whispers from the River" series. A gripping saga of historical romance and the supernatural, set against the stunning backdrop of the majestic fjords and northern lights of Norway.

Elisabeth Hammer is a Norwegian author who finds inspiration for her stories in nature, music and dreams.


Série Whispers from the River

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