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Obálka knihy Erotic Chronicles #2: A Selection of the Hottest Erotica curated by LUST

Erotic Chronicles #2: A Selection of the Hottest Erotica curated by LUST

LUST authors

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2023
Série: Erotic Chronicles díl 2
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 2772

‘Erotic Chronicles #2: A Selection of the Hottest Erotica curated by LUST’ is a collection from LUST with over 180 stories exploring a range of pleasures, desires, fantasies, and kinks. From foreplay, bondage, and sex in public places to taboo, forbidden relationships, and seasonal erotica, this curated selection will fulfil every reader’s needs no matter what time of year it is. LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.


Série Erotic Chronicles

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