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Obálka knihy A Slip Under the Microscope

A Slip Under the Microscope

H. G. Wells

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2022
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 50

Should he confess all and face the consequences or should he keep his secret forever?'A Slip Under the Microscope' is one of H.G. Wells' best-loved short stories, detailing the dilemma faced by the central character, Hill. During a botany exam, Hill inadvertently 'cheats' when he moves a microscope slide and is forced to choose between coming clean or staying quiet. This tale is a fascinating dissection of the themes of honesty and ethical behaviour. With certain autobiographical elements to the story, 'A Slip Under the Microscope' gives us a brief insight into the mind of one of the greatest authors of all time.


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