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Obálka knihy Bertram Cope's Year

Bertram Cope's Year

Henry Blake Fuller

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Vydavatel: Saga Egmont
Vydáno: 2022
Jazyk: anglický
Počet stran: 289

In 1919, when he was sixty-two, Henry Blake Fuller published Bertram Cope's Year. This audacious book with several homosexual characters revolves around a young English instructor in a middle western university town patterned on Evanston, Illinois. Rejected by every New York publisher, Fuller self-published and the book received scant notice or unintelligent reviews. Discouraged, Fuller burned the original manuscript. It took ten years before he ventured to publish another novel.
James Huneker, Fuller's contemporary, loved Bertram Cope's Year. He read it three times and wrote to Fuller, \"Its portraiture and psychological storkes fill me with envy and joy... you are the implacable Stendhal of the lake!\"
Fifty years later, critic Edmund Wilson, in a New Yorker article on Henry Blake Funner entitled \"The Art of Making It Flat,\" called Bertram Cope's Year Fuller's best book. He wrote, \"It has a philosophic theme ... which raises it well above the fiction of social surfaces of the school of William Dean Howells.\"
This Turtle Point Press edition is the first republication of Bertram Cope's Year since 1919.


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